Creative Social Impact Programs with Kaitlin Westbrook Tolson & Erica Woods at Apex Systems

In the latest episode of “Changemakers from Within,” Rachel sits down with Kaitlin Westbrook Tolson, National STEM & Philanthropy Advocate at Apex Systems, and Erica Woods, Director of Contractor Programs & Philanthropy at Apex Systems. Get an inside look at the framework they are using to leverage their team that resulted in a 100% participation rate in 2022. From campaigns like their Quarter of Caring, Random Acts of Kindness, and Earth Week to gamified events like Giving Madness, Gamers vs Cancer, Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader (exec version), and a Virtual Magic Show, Apex Systems is dedicated to offering something for everyone. Tune in to learn more about how they leverage their teams to create multiple, successful giving campaigns all year long.

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5 Steps for Running a Back to School Drive

Corporations organize Employee Volunteer Programs (EVP) to empower and enable employees to give back to their communities and the world by contributing their skills and time to organizations that seek to improve people’s lives and the environment. Check out these examples of creative ways companies are engaging employees through creative volunteer programs.

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How to Shop for a CSR Platform

Corporations organize Employee Volunteer Programs (EVP) to empower and enable employees to give back to their communities and the world by contributing their skills and time to organizations that seek to improve people’s lives and the environment. Check out these examples of creative ways companies are engaging employees through creative volunteer programs.

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10 Creative Employee Volunteer Programs

Corporations organize Employee Volunteer Programs (EVP) to empower and enable employees to give back to their communities and the world by contributing their skills and time to organizations that seek to improve people’s lives and the environment. Check out these examples of creative ways companies are engaging employees through creative volunteer programs.

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6 Ways Construction Companies are Giving Back this Year

Construction companies have always been leaders in philanthropy and are some of the most charitable orgs we see making a huge impact today. The industry has the man-power, literally and figuratively. And more importantly, their mission is aligned to bettering their local communities.

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Infographic: Giving Madness Pilot Results

Check out our Giving Madness report infographic for a quick read of the pilot launch most interesting findings! Before the introduction of Giving Madness, nearly 80% of charitable donations have been made at the end of the year, leaving nonprofits hurting for funds the rest of the year. We knew if we could create a fun giving program that would close the funding gap and ignite cause engagement for employees, we could move the corporate giving needle during the quieter months.

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Changemakers from Within


A new podcast highlighting the stories of everyday people that create impactful social change by empowering their coworkers and the companies they work in.