October 24, 2023

A Gamified Giving Tuesday Experience | Social Impact

Join the movement! Giving Tuesday is the global giving event of the year. It’s a one-day event, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the United States. It was created to encourage a movement of generosity and has since become one of the more inspiring initiatives for driving generosity. In the early stages of developing Giving Madness software program, the Millie team made a strategic decision to offer the program in the time brackets spanning one month, one week, and one day. The inclusion of one-day brackets was a deliberate choice, tailored to accommodate single-day company events and to align with important initiatives like Giving Tuesday.

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10 Holiday Social Impact Campaigns to Run in Q4

‘Tis the season of giving, and as the year winds down, we find ourselves in a time when participation in acts of kindness and generosity is at its peak. In this blog, we’ll explore ten inspiring holiday social impact campaigns that are tried and true, inspired by real companies who have successfully used these campaigns and/or are planning to this season. These campaigns are designed to foster engagement, build stronger communities, and unite employees across all office locations.

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