In this episode, Christina takes us through her career in corporate social impact and shares some of the secrets to her success. Listen to learn how Christina is leveraging employees and partners for change at Lob, what their three focus areas for social impact are, and what Christina’s hopes are for its future.
A Gift for Engagement
When it comes to social impact, Christina Louie Dyer has a knack for getting others engaged. Throughout her career, Christina has used her passion for change to help the organizations she’s worked for — like Teach for America and Box — make a difference. In fact, back in 2017, while still at, Christina was a major part in helping her team improve employee engagement and participation from 5% to over 70% in just two years. They’ve even replaced their holiday party with a day of service for a number of years now.

The Art of Listening First
Now as Head of Social Impact at Lob, Christina is bringing her skills to the automated mail space, helping to grow its social impact arm,, into a leader for good. Christina spent her first 60 days at Lob conducting a listening tour of over half the company and using what she learned to formulate a tailored social impact program. With this approach, Christina was able to get input and buy-in from employees at all levels and build a program that truly resonated.

This episode includes music by, released for use under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.