Are You Pitching Social Impact?

pitching social impact toolkit

From my time interviewing social impact professionals on the Changemakers from Within podcast, I’ve been so fortunate to learn from these amazing people on how they pitched their programs to their CEOs and executive teams. 

I also get to spend lots of time with incredible people moving the needle in their companies to start social impact and CSR programs 🙌 .  They often ask for resources to pitch these programs, and I usually respond with a jumble of copy and pasted statistics. Probably not so helpful 🤦🏻‍♀️

There had to be a better way. 🌈

We put together the tools we think will be helpful in pitching to executives:

  • Slide Deck Template
  • Instructional Video
  • Graphics Set
  • Top Statistics Collection
We’re going to continue to iterate and add to it, so feel free to send over learnings and ideas from your time pitching your programs! And if you want to hear about what it’s like to pitch these programs, check out our podcast.